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Help with braces pain: causes and tips for relief

Orthodontist and founder of BISS45

Dear patients,

In our practices, it is our goal not only to give you a lasting smile, but also to make the journey there as pleasant as possible. One topic that interests many patients is the complaints and inconveniences that can be associated with wearing braces.

We understand that orthodontic treatment can be a challenging time and in this blog we would like to give you helpful tips and information on how to get through this phase in the best possible way and feel comfortable despite possible symptoms. Read on to learn why discomfort happens, how long it usually lasts, and what you can do to alleviate it.

Reasons for pain with braces

Pain after insertion

When a brace is inserted for the first time, there is unusual pressure on the teeth, which can lead to initial discomfort. The soft tissue in the mouth (gums, cheeks, lips) must get used to the new metal or plastic parts, which can lead to irritation, sores and discomfort, which disappear after a period of familiarization of a few days.

Pressure and movement of the teeth

The brace continuously applies force to the teeth to move them. This movement can cause an unpleasant feeling as a remodeling process takes place in the jaw. This initial adjustment phase is similar to wearing new shoes — it takes a certain amount of time before everything feels normal.

Check-up appointments with adjustment of braces

During regular check-ups, the brackets or wire arches are adjusted to promote treatment progress. The adjustment once again applies slight forces to the teeth. However, as the tissues have already adapted to the new situation with the braces, the probability of symptoms occurring is lower compared to the first appointment. As a rule, the teeth need about 1-2 days to adapt to the new situation.

Brace damage

Each type of brace is designed to be removed from teeth without leaving any residue. This means that parts of the braces can come off the teeth. This happens, for example, through contact during sports or accidents or after manipulation. However, one out of ten patients also have braces released for no apparent reason; this usually happens in the first hours or days after a brace has been inserted. One possible reason for this may be fluoridation of the teeth at the dentist or even at home with fluoride gel. This ensures that the teeth are sealed and the braces stick less to the tooth. A loosened, slipped, or damaged element of the brace can act like a foreign body in the mouth and cause discomfort. In this case, we usually offer five-minute SOS appointments available every day, during which the affected area of the brace is removed. A new attachment or repair will take place on a separate date, which we will of course try to find as quickly as possible as a matter of priority.

Types of pain and their duration

Pressure pain

As already explained, pressure pain is the most common complaint after the insertion or adjustment of braces. They are caused by the continuous pressure that the braces exert on the teeth to move them to the desired position. This pain usually occurs within the first 24 to 48 hours after adjustment and usually subsides after a few days. At BISS45, we treat using the latest technology and can reduce pressure on the teeth to a minimum thanks to special super-elastic materials. In addition, in contrast to conventional materials, the pressure is evenly distributed over the treatment time and is not concentrated in the first few days with a maximum force.


Toothache associated with braces is synonymous with pressure pain (see above). As already described, pressure on the teeth can cause discomfort, but at BISS45 we try to reduce this to a minimum by using the latest technology. However, it is important that pain can also occur regardless of a brace. These are caused, for example, by tooth decay, root infections, periodontal disease, etc., and should be checked and treated by family dentists. These complications are very rare, as we generally recommend that routine check-ups be carried out by the dentist at least once or twice a year before and also during orthodontic treatment.

Gum pain

The metal or plastic parts of the braces can rub against the cheeks, lips, and gums, which can cause pressure points or irritation. This is comparable to pressure points when wearing a new shoe. At BISS45, we treat according to the highest quality standards and offer the latest materials to keep these complaints as low as possible. Should irritation of the mucous membranes nevertheless occur, the tissues usually adapt to the new situation within one to two weeks.

Pain Relief Tips

Eat soft foods

Soft foods should be preferred in the first few days after the braces have been inserted or adjusted. Soups, yoghurts, smoothies, mashed potatoes, and soft fruits are easy to chew and put less strain on teeth. These foods cause less pressure and reduce the sensation of pain when chewing.

Cold drinks and food

Cold drinks, ice cream, or cold foods can help reduce pain. The cold has a mild numbing effect and can temporarily alleviate the pain.

How to use orthodontic wax

At the beginning of every treatment with fixed braces, we give you a special orthodontic wax. You can warm up the wax by kneading with your fingers and apply this to protect the part of the brace that causes discomfort in your mouth. The wax creates a protective layer, prevents further irritation, can provide immediate relief from painful pressure points and provides relief not only during the day between meals but also overnight. The wax is also absolutely harmless to health, which is why it is no problem if swallowed.

As a rule, however, it is only necessary at the beginning to protect the tissue by supporting the wax and thus get used to the braces more slowly.

Chamomile tea

If the fixed braces cause pain or if the gums have become inflamed, gargling and rinsing with chamomile tea can help alleviate the pain. Disinfectant mouthwash can also provide relief.

Anti-inflammatory gel

The healing of sore spots can be accelerated with anti-inflammatory gels. Pharmacies offer various products here, which can also be purchased without a prescription.


Taking pain relievers for pain caused by braces is extremely rare, but may be useful if the pain is severe and significantly interferes with daily life. However, painkillers should not be regarded as the first and only solution and should always be taken in consultation with the doctor. In principle, painkillers should never be taken over a permanent period of time due to braces. Permanent pain lasting several weeks and months should definitely be reported to orthodontists to rule out problems.

Regular dental care

Maintain thorough dental care to prevent inflammation and infection. Use a soft to medium-hard toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Interdental brushes, flosses, and mouthwashes can help clean hard-to-reach areas. Good oral hygiene supports healing and can reduce pain caused by inflammation.

IMPORTANT: If bleeding occurs when brushing your teeth, even if it is only minimal, this is usually a sign that you need to brush better at this area. Even patients who are very motivated to brush their teeth several times a day may experience areas that are harder to reach after using braces. Plaque is deposited here, which leads to inflammation of the gums after a few days. Bleeding occurs when these deposits are removed using a proper brushing technique. It is important to clean more and better at this exact point. Many patients make the mistake of avoiding this area because they are afraid of injuring their gums. Bleeding from excessive brushing is extremely rare. If you are unsure about this, please let us know at any time.

ATTENTION: Please refrain from fluoridation at the dentist or at home at least 2 weeks before installing braces, as this can lead to increased loss of braces.

Communication with the orthodontist

If the pain is severe or persistent, don't hesitate to contact us. If necessary, we can make adjustments to your braces or provide further recommendations for pain relief. A professional assessment ensures that no serious problems are overlooked and that you receive the best possible care.

On weekends or holidays, contact the orthodontic emergency service, who can be reached in emergencies and can help.


At BISS45, we have the opportunity to reduce complaints to a minimum by using the latest materials and techniques.

In principle, pain can occur particularly after a brace has been inserted or changed. They are usually caused by the forces that the braces exert on the teeth, which are necessary to move them. Note that the pain often goes away on its own after a short period of getting used to it. Otherwise, use the means mentioned and do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey to a perfect smile!

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