Costs & Insurance

Private insurance and supplementary insurance usually cover a large proportion of the costs for orthodontic treatment, depending on the respective tariff conditions. In the case of statutory health insurance, the costs are only covered under certain conditions and age limits. It is advisable to find out about the individual insurance benefits before starting treatment.

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Costs in case of statutory health insurance

Unfortunately, individual costs can only be clarified after a non-binding individual consultation, but you will find some indications here.

Children and Teenagers (under 18y)

An orthodontic treatment is usually covered, but there is a personal contribution of about 600 Euro. For a more detailed assessment of the situation, you are welcome to arrange a non-binding consultation appointment.

Additional Costs

The costs covered by health insurance companies unfortunately only ensure an absolute minimum of care. Modern materials and new, digital, high-quality treatment concepts are not included in the health insurance companies' catalogue of measures. Of course, patients can be treated strictly in such a way that no further costs occur. In principle, however, our credo is to treat every patient equally and not to make any difference between the treatments offered by health insurance companies or private patients. This way we can guarantee a constant quality with the shortest and most comfortable treatment times possible. We are also able to use many treatment methods and materials that are not covered by the statutory insurance companies, so that private co-payments are necessary. Examples are digital treatment procedures (3D scans, bracket positioning, ...), retainers, turbo bites, sealants, pins with supra-constructions, super elastic arch wires, self-ligating brackets, orthodontic tooth cleaning, ...

Adults (over 18y)

Adult treatment is usually not covered by the statutory health insurance companies. An exception is made in the case of serious jaw malpositions that require additional surgical adjustment of the jaw. In this case, however, the patient has to pay his own contribution. For a more detailed assessment of the situation, please make an appointment for a non-binding consultation. Or for an initial assessment, you can use our online questionnaire.

If costs are not covered

Supplementary Insurance

Please note: BEFORE your first appointment in our practice, verify the possibility of having your costs covered by your supplementary insurance. In the Waizmann table, you will find a quick overview of benefits for all supplementary dental insurance plans. The following links will provide you with all information, evaluations and respective benefit overviews of the insurance companies:

Payments by monthly installments under 50 Euro

If the treatment is not completely covered by the health insurance, it can be financed interest-free in any case.

We will be happy to advise you on with an estimation of costs by the health insurance company. And we also offer various payment plans. Orthodontic treatment is usually covered by private insurance. Please contact your insurance company for information about your individual contract. If orthodontic services are included in your contract, the insurance company will ask for an initial diagnosis (3D scans, photos, X-rays) in order to assess the coverage.

Am I a candidate for treatment?

Nutzen Sie unseren kostenlosen BISS45 Online-Check für eine erste Einschätzung Ihrer Zahnsituation und mögliche Behandlungsoptionen inklusive Dauer und Kosten.

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Costs in the case of a private insurance

Costs for orthodontic services are covered up to 100% depending on your contract.


An orthodontic treatment is usually covered by private insurance. In order to assess the coverage, the insurance company asks for an initial diagnosis (3D scans, photos, X-rays). For a more detailed assessment of the situation, you are welcome to book a non-binding consultation appointment. Or for an initial assessment you can use our online questionnaire.

In any case, we recommend that you submit the cost plan to your health insurance company before the initiation of the treatment. Depending on the type and scope of your insurance as well as the current legal framework, your insurer will inform you about the scope of reimbursement of treatment costs. The amount of reimbursement depends on the chosen insurance tariff and any additional services that may have been agreed upon, but can be as high as 100%.

Reimbursement behavior of private insurances

Unfortunately, the reimbursement behavior of private insurance companies has changed in recent years.

In many medical fields, the various aspects of cost coverage are often hardly comprehensible for the patient. For every insurance company, a payment to the policyholder represents a financial loss. In this respect, it is not surprising, in principle, if insurance companies try to not pay for these services or not pay for them in full, even though they may be legally obliged to. This dubious practice is increasingly being discussed in the media.

Help with billing questions

If you receive an invoice or an unsatisfactory letter from your insurance company, don't be annoyed and contact us instead. We will gladly offer you our support. Often a clear statement to the insurance company is sufficient to resolve ambiguities in your favour.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie hoch sind die Kosten für eine Zahnspange?

Die Kosten für eine Zahnspange variieren je nach Art der Behandlung und Ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen. Nach einem persönlichen Beratungsgespräch erstellen wir Ihnen einen detaillierten Kostenplan.

Welche Kosten übernimmt die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung?

Bei Jugendlichen bis 18 Jahre übernehmen die gesetzlichen Krankenkassen bei medizinischer Notwendigkeit (KIG 3-5) einen Großteil der Kosten für die kieferorthopädische Behandlung. Sie zahlen 20% der Behandlungskosten. Diesen Eigenanteil erhalten Sie nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Behandlung zurück. Bei Erwachsenen ist eine Kostenübernahme nur in besonderen Ausnahmefällen möglich und gegebenenfalls mit Zahnzusatzversicherung möglich.

Gibt es Möglichkeiten zur Ratenzahlung?

Ja, wir bieten Ihnen verschiedene flexible Zahlungsmodelle an! Sie können die Kosten für Ihre Zahnspange bequem in monatlichen Raten bezahlen. Die Laufzeit und Ratenhöhe stimmen wir dabei individuell mit Ihnen ab. Gerne beraten wir Sie ausführlich zu unseren verschiedenen Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten.

Was ist im Behandlungspreis alles enthalten?

Der Behandlungspreis umfasst alle regulären Termine während Ihrer kieferorthopädischen Behandlung, einschließlich der Anfangsdiagnostik, der Zahnspange selbst und regelmäßigen Kontrollen. Zusätzliche Kosten können bei speziellen Diagnostiken oder bei Beschädigung der Zahnspange entstehen. Für SOS-Termine der Zahnspange fallen keine Kosten an.