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Video FAQs: You ask, I answer.

To make your visit to our orthodontic office easier and to give you a feeling of our professional procedures, we have created a YouTube channel with videos of Dr. Gebhardt answers your frequently asked questions.

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What should you consider before visiting your orthodontist?

In this video, Dr. Gebhardt reveals what should be considered before visiting an orthodontist. What do I really want? This may sound banal at first, but it's often not as easy to answer as you might think.

Braces: when and what is covered by health insurance?

A very frequently asked question is "How much is an orthodontic treatment?". What does the health insurance pay? What do you have to pay yourself? In this video Dr. Gebhardt speaks about orthodontic indication groups, cost coverage and much more.

How often do I have to come to the practice during the orthodontic treatment?

In this video Dr. Gebhardt explains how often you have to go to the orthodontist depending on what kind of braces you have and in which phase of the treatment you are.

What are the differences between fixed braces?

The question: what are the differences between fixed braces, is a very common one. In this video Dr. Gebhardt tells you more about fixed braces and what the differences are.

How do the treatment options differ between adults and teenagers?

Perhaps you are also one of the adults who are thinking about braces and asking yourself: Is it possible at all and does the treatment take longer than for children, what are the options? Dr Gebhardt has the answer.

Are orthodontic treatments still possible in adulthood?

Are orthodontic treatments still possible in adulthood? In this video, Dr. Gebhardt answers many questions about treatment options in adulthood.

Do invisible braces exist?

Do invisible braces exist? And if so, how do they work? Dr. Gebhardt reveals what invisible braces are and how effective they are.

Removable braces – what do I have to pay attention to?

Wearing time, eating, sports, cleaning – in this video Dr. Gebhardt speaks about some interesting facts of removable braces.

Are there differences between orthodontists and online start-ups?

The significant question of how orthodontists differ from online start-ups is explained by Dr. Gebhardt in this video.

Do wisdom teeth displace the anterior teeth?

For a long time, the assumption was spread that wisdom teeth displace the anterior teeth. Why this is not true and other information worth knowing are explained here by Dr. Gebhardt.

What is a retainer?

When the orthodontic treatment is completed, a retainer can be inserted. But what exactly is a retainer and what does it do? Dr. Gebhardt has the answer.

How do you become an orthodontist and why I became an orthodontist?

Dr. Gebhardt talks about how you become a specialized dentist for orthodontics and he tells us why he became an orthodontist.

Digitization at the orthodontist's

Dr. Gebhardt talks about the mega trend digitization. What is the impact of the digital transformation in orthodontics. How is it already being implemented in his practice? Answers to these questions can be found in the video.

What are aligners?

In orthodontics, we often talk about the so-called "aligners". Dr Gebhardt explains what is meant by this in this video.

Do the orthodontic treatments for children and adults differ?

Are there differences between the orthodontic treatment options for children and adults? Dr. Gebhardt has the answer to this.

How long does an orthodontic treatment take?

The question of how long an orthodontic treatment takes on average is clarified in this video by Dr. Gebhardt.

BISS45 Patienten erzählen von ihren Erfahrungen

Wie ist das überhaupt mit einer festen Zahnspange?

Die Entscheidung für eine kieferorthopädische Behandlung geht oftmals mit vielen Fragen einher. Fällt eine Zahnspange auf? Beeinflusst sie das Sozialleben? Wie ist eine feste Zahnspange zu reinigen? Im persönlichen Gespräch mit Dr. Gebhardt geht unsere Patientin Xu auf diese und noch viele weitere Fragen ein und berichtet von ihren persönlichen Erfahrungen.

Wie muss man sich die Behandlung mit einer fast unsichtbaren Zahnspange (Aligner) vorstellen?

Unser BISS45 Patient Christian teilt im direkten Gespräch mit Dr. Philipp Gebhardt seine persönlichen Erfahrungen mit einer fast unsichtbaren Zahnspange (Aligner) und spricht insbesondere über die anfängliche Eingewöhnungsphase sowie die Auswirkungen der Behandlung auf den Alltag.

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